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Revised 10/27/2023
  • Every effort is made to have an "A", "B ", "C ", and "D " player in each foursome.

  • Blind Draw Procedure When a team is short one or more players, a "blind " player will be determined by advising the Table who will then access a Blind from Golf Genius. (revised 8/25/20)

  • Handicap Limits:
  • Any member with a handicap index greater than 34.4 will be able to play in playdays after paying the entry fee. However, their score will not be counted in the team score. The team captain will determine a blind by the above procedure. The player will benefit from the team 's ranking or winnings through use of the blind scores. The player 's handicap index will be capped at 34.4 and be eligible for the closest to the pin, longest putt awards, low net, and skins. Skins Playing Handicap will be capped at 36 max. (revised 8/25/20)

  • Play days are scheduled to start at 8AM except in the dead of winter when we strive for a 9AM start on Wednesdays and an 8:24 start time on Fridays. There, however, could be delays due to cold or inclement weather. Players are encouraged to check the Indian Hills web site ( or call the starter shack or the pro shop after 7:30AM if you suspect a delay. Any delay over two hours will result in the play day being canceled.

  • The Handicaps for each player are shown on the pairing sheet and on the Web site for each play day. Handicaps are updated daily however we will lock the handicaps shown the afternoon prior to the playday. All players should use the handicaps shown on the pairing sheet even though a newer one may be in effect.

  • Each player on a team should pay $5 to participate in the day 's event. The $5 consists of $3 from each player which goes to pay the team winners for the day and to purchase golf balls for Wednesday 's closest to the pin and longest putt. The $2 goes into the skins game. Participation in the skins game is mandatory.

  • The A player is generally designated CAPTAIN but anyone may function as the team Captain. The duties of the team Captain include the following:

    • Determine the daily format and team handicaps from the Web page.
    • Collect the above mentioned $5 from each player on the team prior to the start of play.
    • Monitor adherence to the "USGA Rules of Golf " and the IHCC & SMGA local rules.
    • Record each player 's gross and net scores to the official scorecard.
    • Record the team 's net score for each nine holes based on the format for the day.
    • Determine any blind score required by the procedure above.
    • Post each player 's gross score to the GHIN system following completion of the round.
    • Turn in the money for the team and report the gross scores to the table captain.
    • Report each individual 's Gross scores by hole to the skins person.
    • When a team member is "out of the hole " the captain shall ask the player to pick up in order to speed up play and that player shall record a "probable score" for that hole but no higher than net double bogie. See below.
  • The maximum score for each hole played is limited to a net double bogey, calculated as follows:
    Par of the hole + 2 strokes + Any handicap stroke(s) that the player receives on that hole but no higher than NET DOUBLE BOGEY.

    Example: If you get 2 handicap strokes on a par 4 the most you can post is 8. 4 (par of hole), + 2, (handicap strokes) + 2 to equal net 6 (double bogey)

  • There will be two team winners for each nine holes played, however on a rare occasion there may be an 18 hole format or a single 9 hole format, in which case four winning teams will be paid.

  • Skins are paid to three groups of players: the handicap break for Groups A, B, and C are determined each play day based on the number of players and the spread of handicaps that day. The value of a skin will be determined by dividing the skins money for a particular group by the number of winners in that group.

  • The team winners and skins winners will be posted to the Web site shortly after each play day. Winners may collect their money from the table captain each play day after play has been concluded. >Winnings not collected within 60 days of the play date will be forfeited and will go into the ball fund.

  • Awards will be made each Wednesday for Closest to the Hole and Longest Putt on both nines. Winners will receive a sleeve of balls.

  • Course conditions will dictate when we observe cart path only, If we are in cart path only conditions we seniors may play lift, clean and place the ball one club length no nearer the hole in their own fairway. Adverse course conditions may warrant more lenient rules to include moving the ball in the rough. If not announced on the pairings sheet this condition will be announced to the players by the starter prior to the days play. Usually a sign indicating the change will be posted at the window of the starters shack. If we are allowed to ride on the course (90 degree cart rule) we play the ball down (as it lies) everywhere. Under no conditions, may a ball be moved in a penalty area unless another rule applies. The daily pairing sheet will indicate the current rules in effect for the movement of balls, and should be adhered to by all players.

  • Putting: During playdays, if a players ball is "in the leather" the next stroke is conceded to be holed. "Within the leather" is defined as any part of the players ball that is inside the distance of the nearest part of the putter grip to the head when the putter in laying flat on the ground with the head inside of the hole.

  • Bunkers: Wash areas in the bunker are considered GUR and the ball may be lifted and dropped in the bunker without raking the bunker. Wash area is defined as an area where water has caused erosion of the sand creating gullies/troughs. An absence of sand due to rain does not constitute a wash area. In the case of water in the bunker the ball may be dropped in a dry area behind the water in the bunker. If no such place exists it may be dropped in the bunker where the maximum available relief is available, no closer to the hole. If no dry area in the bunker exists the ball may be dropped outside the bunker no nearer the hole with a one stroke penalty

  • Mulligans: Mulligans are permissible on the first tee only and if taken must be used as the ball in play. You will not have the choice of two shots and picking the better.

  • Rules Questions: If not resolved by the players in the group, play two balls and announce which ball you would like to count if the rules apply, record both scores and obtain decision from the rules committee at the end of the round. (Stroke play only - Rule 20.1)
  • Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds Model Local Rule E5 is in effect. Click Here for more detail on the procedure. (1/1/2019)

    When a player's ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds and the Local Rule E-5 Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds is in effect, the player may proceed as follows rather than proceeding under stroke and distance. Note: When a player plays a provisional ball for a ball that may be lost of out of bounds, this local Rule cannot be used for the ball for which the provisional was played.

  • Playing from the Silver Tees on Regular Play Days

  • Effective January 1, 2024 any IHSMGA member who wants to play from the silver tees is eligible. They should contact the Play Day Coordinator to indicate their preference. However, once a member has elected to move to the silver tees, he must play from there for the balance of the calendar year. To move back to the gold tees, the member must inform the Play Day Coordinator by December for the following calendar year
  • IHSMGA Guest Policy

  • It is the policy of the IHSMGA to allow our members to invite guests to play with the group on our regular play days with the following understanding:
    1. Guests will be allowed to play with the group only if tee times are available after all members who wish to play have first been accommodated.
    2. Guests will be allowed to compete in the daily competition only if they have a valid USGA handicap, verifiable from an official source such as the GHIN system. They will need to provide the teetime coordinator their GHIN number or other information necessary to verify their handicap  24 hours prior to play.
    3. Guests who do not have a verifiable USGA handicap can still play with the group but will not be allowed to participate in the daily competition. In this case, the team with the guest will use a blind draw (as calculated above) in place of the guest and the guest will play as a "No Handicap" player.

    Playday Signup, Change, Withdrawal and Cancellation Policy and Procedures

    To Signup for a Playday:

    Wednesday and Friday Playdays signups will be available via the SMGA website beginning approximately 5 days prior to the playday.

    Registration closing varies so check the website home page for details. Final posting will be made ~ 5:00 PM. A running list of the entries received will be on the SMGA website ( during the signup period.

    To withdraw or cancel your signup for a Playday:

    1. Log in to the website using your Member # and password.
    2. Go to the playday page showing all of the entries for the playday. Beside your name, you'll see a little icon
    3. Click on the icon to cancel yourself from the playday.
    4. Click OK if you're sure you want to cancel.
    Remember, you have to log in first so that the system knows it's you.
    Once you've withdrawn, you can sign up again, but you will be added at the end of the list. Also no changes can be made after the playday is CLOSED.


    Definition: A No Show is someone who is scheduled to play on a regular Wed. or Fri. play day and neither shows up to play nor notifies the group that he will not be there for his scheduled tee time. To avoid being a No Show and being billed $5 for the Playday, members who need to cancel their tee time should notify the group in one of the following ways:(Revised 9/29/20)
    1. (Preferred method) -Email the tee time coordinator before 3 pm the day before scheduled play. This can be done using our website homepage and sending an email to the tee time coordinator
    2. Call the tee time coordinator up to 3 pm the day before scheduled play. Use this method only if you are unable to use email.
    3. Wait until play day morning and, regardless of your tee time, call the starter (770-874-4179) between 7:30 am and 8 am and let him know that you are canceling.
    The first time a player is a No Show, he will be informed as to his status and subsequent actions by the Play Day Director. Thereafter, for the remainder of that calendar year, should the player again become a No Show, he will be barred from playing with the group for the two week period following each time he is a no show. After being barred for the second time the SMGA board will review the situation and take appropriate action as deemed necessary.


    Teams are expected to complete their round and report to the table within 4 hours and 35 minutes from their tee time, or report to the table no more than 15 minutes behind the group in front of them. Failure to meet at least one of these criteria will result in a deduction of 10% rounded up from the team 's score with a minimum penalty of 2 strokes. This will be applied to both front and back 9 scores. For example, a team that was 20 minutes behind the team in front of them to the table reports a score for one of the 9 holes of 73 in the Points scoring format. The penalty to be applied will be minus 8 points resulting in a score of 65. The 10 percent rounded up reduction will also be applied to the teams other 9 hole score.

    If you are asked by a marshal to skip a hole because you have fallen behind you shall score NO POINTS for any holes skipped. For handicap posting purposes you should post the score your handicap allows. ie: if you receive 2 strokes on a par 4 you would record a gross score of 6 .

    As all members in a slow foursome are not slow players, it is expected the faster players will encourage their slow partners to speed up their play.

    Insufficient Signups - WED. & FRI. PLAYDAY POLICY

    If 28 members have NOT signed up for a playday at the time the playday is scheduled to be closed, the playday will be cancelled. Members are still encouraged to play and set up a game amougst themselves.


    • Tournament dates and proposed formats are listed on the SMGA website.

    • With the exception of the Senior Club Championship, most tournaments will have a 9:00 a.m. "shot gun " start and in most cases lunch will be provided.

    • Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds Model Local Rule E5 is in effect. Click Here for more detail on the procedure. (1/1/2019)

      When a player's ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds and the Local Rule E-5 Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds is in effect, the player may proceed as follows rather than proceeding under stroke and distance. Note: When a player plays a provisional ball for a ball that may be lost of out of bounds, this local Rule cannot be used for the ball for which the provisional was played.
    • Playing from the Silver Tees for Monthly Tournaments

    • Authorized Silver Tee players must play from the Silver tees unless receiving prior approval from Tournament Chairman. The course handicap will be adjusted for the silver tees for each rotation.

    • Dinner will be served on the last evening of the Senior Club Championship and wives are invited to attend. Seating is limited, therefore first to register get to attend. The cost of meals will be statement billed to each participant.

    • Dinner may be served following one additional tournament, with wives invited. Seating is limited, therefore first to register get to attend. Again, the cost of meals will be statement billed to each participant.

    • Registrations for upcoming tournaments will be opened on the SMGA web site approximately a month prior to the scheduled event.

    • Tournaments utilizing a blind draw will have teams selected at random by the club 's professional staff or the committee.

    • Carts are mandatory for all tournaments ( No walking permitted). (rev 3/7/23)

    • For pick your own partner(s) tournaments, individuals may opt to have their partner(s) picked from a pool of unassigned players. This is again done by the clubs professional staff or the committee.

    • The target date for completion for the Two-Man Match Play competition will be the end of June each year.

    • The annual Fun Day tournament is provided free of charge to participating players as is our annual Kick Off Dinner in either very late January or early February.

    Monthly Tournament Signup, Change, Withdrawal and Cancellation Policy and Procedures - (NAS see below)

    • Signup for all tournaments will be done via the SMGA web site beginning approximately four weeks prior to the tournament. The cost for the tournament will be fixed and usually includes a meal. The cart fees are extra unless announced differently. You will be billed for the tournament in your next club bill. Winners of the tournament will be announced the day of the event and paid off in credits at the pro shop.
    • Last day to sign up for a tournament is 72 hours prior to the tournament starting time. Signups after this time will be subject to availability. A running list of the entries received will be on the SMGA website ( during the signup period.
    • If you have signed up to play in a tournament and cancel 48 hours or more prior to the tournament starting time, you will not be charged for the tournament. However, if you do not show up to play in the tournament or cancel within 48 hours prior to the tournament starting time, you will be charged the entry fee, which includes the meal cost if one is being served. You will not be charged the cart fee which is a separate fee above the cost of the tournament. The reason for this is that we have ordered the food and we, the IHSMGA, cannot cancel the food within 48 hours before a tournament. Thus, we are charged so you will be charged. The only exception to this is if you have an unexpected illness or another emergency prohibits you from playing. The Tournament Chairman will make the determination on whether you will be charged for the event or not.

      To withdraw or cancel your signup for a tournament:
      1. Log in to the website using your Member # and password.
      2. Go to the tournament page showing all of the entries for the tournament. Beside your name, you'll see a little icon
      3. Click on the icon to cancel yourself from the tournament.
      4. Click OK if you're sure you want to cancel.
      Remember, you have to log in first so that the system knows it's you.
      Once you've withdrawn, you can sign up again, but you will be added at the end of the list. Also no changes can be made after the tournament is CLOSED.

      If dinner is being served and you wish to change your entree choice or how many are coming, follow these steps::
      1. Log in to the website using your Member # and password.
      2. Go to the tournament page showing all of the entries for the tournament. Beside your name, you'll see a little icon
      3. Click on the icon to go to the edit page.
      4. Make your changes and click on the Save button.
      Remember, you have to log in first so that the system knows it's you. Also no changes can be made after the tournament is CLOSED.

      All cancellations must be made within 48 hours preceding a tournament. No shows and cancellations after that time will be billed for the tournament entry fee and/or dinner.

      Please direct any questions (or suggestions) regarding tournaments to the Tournament Committee


    • The North Atlanta Senior Men 's Golf Association incorporates members from approximately 8 to 10 metro area clubs, including Indian Hills. Each club hosts a tournament a year and some two with the final event being the North Atlanta Championship held at a designated club. IHSMGA members who have joined North Atlanta are eligible to play in any of the tournaments including the Club Championship.
    • Announcement of each tournament will be posted on the IHSMGA website and sign up for each tournament will be on the NAS website approximately one month prior to each tournament.
    • Currently allocated spaces are limited to approximatly 22-24 players and these events usually fill up quickly. A standby list is maintained for each outing because we often get extra slots.
    • In order to play in North Atlanta Seniors (NAS) events you must be a NAS member in addition to being a IHCC SMGA member.
    • Registration for their tournaments is done on the NAS website. There is a link under the tournaments pull down of our menu. All registrations modifications and cancellations are handled via the NAS website according to their rules and regulations.

    • If you need assistance with NAS events you can contact the SMGA/NAS representative by sending a note to this link or calling the SMGA Board member assigned to NAS. That person is on the "About Us" pulldown menu.


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